Monday, July 9, 2012


Okay, I'm just too excited to post on my new blog. That's why I'm bringing two posts in one day. I bet after a week, I won't be posting anything at all. Now, I just sidetracked from the point of this blog post. See, the title fits right through. Anyway, the real point of this post is I'm actually experiencing this problem for I don't know how long. Whenever I'm assigned to do something, like a project per say, I sidetrack all the time, well maybe, I just coined it to be sidetracking, well it's actually procrastinating. More often than not, everyone experience this syndrome. Mostly, college students, whoever is reading this blog post, thank you for sparing your time and if you actually experienced what I'm talking about, raise your hand. HAHAHAHA, sidetracking once more from the topic. Ooh, I'm being an expert to this. Back to the blog point, I'm trying really hard to actually cure this condition. Well, Google helped a lot, searching for answers and actually trying to stick to it, that's the hard part. I just thought that maybe one day, I can read this blog post once more, and no more sidetracking is involved in my life. I'm actually trying  a few things, let me share it with you.

1. Write all the tasks that you need to do for the day
2. Refrain from opening a new tab and putting,, and in the search bar.
3. Sticking to the list.

I just remembered that I'm actually doing something, and typing this blog post is a way of sidetracking from all the things I need done by today, Tuesday, and my deadline for Friday. If you are one of the people whom I own a deadline to, I'm very sorry, and thank you for reading this blog post of mine. I know you love me and you will be able to forgive me.

Expert Sidetracker,

Sea of the Unknown

The sea of the unknown, the title I gave this blog is actually more cliche than what I had in mind. Oh well, it's just too hard to think of blog name that will actually differentiate you from the other bloggers. Starting this blog, well, it's more of an experiential leap for me. I want to record and share what I'm going through now. Right, I was suppose to talk about that. Here's an overview of the few things why I "really" created this blog.

Number 1:
Internship Blues
 - I'm in my senior year in college, taking up marketing and advertising and currently doing my internship. Well, from all the experiences, I'm finding myself in the sea of the unknown, exploring my options and what I really want to do in the future, what career path should I be taking? I'm thinking long-term, pinching my inner self, that yes, I'm still young and should probably chill this through. But hey, I want to start early, the early riser gets the first harvest. (Okay, I made that up, and I don't think that saying actually exist)

The few things turns out to be one.

I'll just post the next when I've thought about it carefully.